Flush Rush! Remove Rush Limbaugh From Taxpayer Funded Armed Forces Network!

We’ve had enough of Rush’s sexism, bigotry, racism, hate, fear mongering and LIES.Help Flush Rush… Pass this on!

via McSpocky’s Progressive News Watch: Flush Rush! Remove Rush Limbaugh From Taxpayer Funded Armed Forces Network!.

It’s Time to Investigate Boehner, Issa, and the Republican Criminal Conspiracy

A conspiracy is an agreement to perform together, an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act, and according to legal statutes is a crime in and of itself. Beginning on Inauguration night in 2009, Republicans conspired to deliberately obstruct any and all attempts by new President, Barack Obama, to reverse the devastation of their economic malfeasance that led to the worst recession since the Great Depression, and whether or not it was an illegal act, it was certainly wrongful and subversive. Over the past four-and-a-half years, Republicans have systematically conspired to abrogate their duty as legislators, and between swearing oaths to violate Article 1, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution, to fabricating false scandals to take down President Obama, or serving corporate interests, it is high time to demand an investigation into Republicans in Congress and take appropriate action to remove them from office.

via It’s Time to Investigate Boehner, Issa, and the Republican Criminal Conspiracy.

Trayvan Lives On | Madison Palm Tree Revue

This is a tribute to the life and unfortunate death of Trayvon Martin. It is dedicated to those African-Americans like Trayvon and others who deal with the racist issues that are a continuing and unfortunate part of our American culture. We need to heal somehow. We need to learn not to hate. We need not continue to let those who want to inflict hate to continue through love. We must become the best we can be.
Trayvon Lives On

Digital Track

Immediate download of Trayvan Lives On in your choice of high-quality MP3, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire.

Free Download

via Trayvan Lives On | Madison Palm Tree Revue.

MoveOn Petitions – AARP: Rescue Your Name from Rush Limbaugh

Petition Background


AARP advertising is filling dead air on the Rush Limbaugh Show. Limbaugh calls women “feminazis,” “infobabes,” “sexretaries,” and, worst of all, “sluts” and “prostitutes.” Limbaugh calls Latinos “weak,” “lazy,” and “unskilled.”
And, in the wake of the Trayvon Martin murder trial, Limbaugh even used the “N-word” and claimed it was not racist.
Over 2,600 advertisers have stopped supporting Limbaugh’s shows, and AARP should follow suit.

Other ways you can take action:
Join: The Flush Rush Facebook community https://www.facebook.com/groups/flushrush/

Visit: The StopRush sponsor database http://stoprush.net/rush_limbaugh_sponsor_list.php#current_a
Tweet: #stoprush Twitter campaign https://twitter.com/search?q=stoprush
Fact Check: Limbaugh Lie Debunking Site http://rushtruth.net
Install: ThinkContext StopRush browser extension–notifies you as you browse which companies advertise on Rush http://thinkcontext.org

via MoveOn Petitions – AARP: Rescue Your Name from Rush Limbaugh.

From the website “Face Swappers”… If this had been the case, what would the verdict have been?

If Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman had been these races, would the trial outcome have been the same? Personally, I doubt it very much…

via From the website “Face Swappers”… If this had been the case, what would the verdict have been?

Civil Rights Leader Turns Attention To Group That Wrote ‘Stand Your Ground’ In Aftermath Of Zimmerman Verdict | ThinkProgress

Stand Your Ground isn’t the only legislation ALEC has peddled to state legislators. The group is also responsible for bills that block workers from getting paid sick leave, efforts to stop whistleblowers trying to expose horrific agricultural practices, and many, many bills meant to stop environmental regulations and education about climate change. The latter is likely thanks to the group’s ties to the Koch Brothers, billionaires who made their fortune in the oil industry.

via Civil Rights Leader Turns Attention To Group That Wrote ‘Stand Your Ground’ In Aftermath Of Zimmerman Verdict | ThinkProgress.

Fla. mom gets 20 years for firing warning shots – CBS News

Fla. mom gets 20 years for firing warning shots – CBS News.

 A Florida woman who fired warning shots against her allegedly abusive husband has been sentenced to 20 years in prison.



Marissa Alexander of Jacksonville had said the state’s “Stand Your Ground” law should apply to her because she was defending herself against her allegedly abusive husband when she fired warning shots inside her home in August 2010. She told police it was to escape a brutal beating by her husband, against whom she had already taken out a protective order.