Petition Gets University Officials To Reconsider Giving Bush A Humanitarian Award –

Petition Gets University Officials To Reconsider Giving Bush A Humanitarian Award –.

When you think back on George W. Bush’s presidency, “humanitarian” is probably not the first word that comes to mind. After all, the man was the cause of hundreds of thousands of deaths, including almost 5,000 American troops. His failure to pay attention to his daily briefs and other intel quite possibly allowed 9/11 to happen. The treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo and other sites was anything but humanitarian. His approval rating as he left office was the lowest of any sitting president at 25 percent.


Nevertheless, officials at the University of Denver decided that Bush deserved a humanitarian award for “improving the human condition.” Your reaction was pretty much the same as a substantial group of students, faculty and alumni of the University of Denver’s Josef Korbel School of International Studies. They spoke out in an online petition:

Lawyers said Bush couldn’t spy on Americans. He did it anyway.

A remarkable document released by The Guardian gives the public its first in-depth look at the legal process that justified the dragnet surveillance programs undertaken during President George W. Bush’s first term. And they make clear that lots of people involved in the process — government lawyers, judges, and the lawyers of private telecommunications companies — believed the Bush administration had stepped over the legal line.

via Lawyers said Bush couldn’t spy on Americans. He did it anyway..