Flush Rush! Remove Rush Limbaugh From Taxpayer Funded Armed Forces Network!

We’ve had enough of Rush’s sexism, bigotry, racism, hate, fear mongering and LIES.Help Flush Rush… Pass this on!

via McSpocky’s Progressive News Watch: Flush Rush! Remove Rush Limbaugh From Taxpayer Funded Armed Forces Network!.

MoveOn Petitions – AARP: Rescue Your Name from Rush Limbaugh

Petition Background


AARP advertising is filling dead air on the Rush Limbaugh Show. Limbaugh calls women “feminazis,” “infobabes,” “sexretaries,” and, worst of all, “sluts” and “prostitutes.” Limbaugh calls Latinos “weak,” “lazy,” and “unskilled.”
And, in the wake of the Trayvon Martin murder trial, Limbaugh even used the “N-word” and claimed it was not racist.
Over 2,600 advertisers have stopped supporting Limbaugh’s shows, and AARP should follow suit.

Other ways you can take action:
Join: The Flush Rush Facebook community https://www.facebook.com/groups/flushrush/

Visit: The StopRush sponsor database http://stoprush.net/rush_limbaugh_sponsor_list.php#current_a
Tweet: #stoprush Twitter campaign https://twitter.com/search?q=stoprush
Fact Check: Limbaugh Lie Debunking Site http://rushtruth.net
Install: ThinkContext StopRush browser extension–notifies you as you browse which companies advertise on Rush http://thinkcontext.org

via MoveOn Petitions – AARP: Rescue Your Name from Rush Limbaugh.